trying to figure out what kind of bass player you are? here's a simple quiz that will help... (you will need to know the following)
a. how many strings on your bass?
b. how high do you wear your bass?
c. how many speakers in your rig?
ok, here's how to figure out where you stand. take the number of strings, multiply it by the number of speakers. now, if you have arrived at a number less than or equal to 32, you are most likely a pretty hip bass player. extra cool if you are right on 32, or if your final number is 4.
on the other hand, if you ended up with 186, like the fine gentlemen pictured above, then you my friend, are a
douchebag. frankly, anything above 32, makes you pretty suspect. (unless you are carrying around 2-ampeg 8x10's, resulting in a final number of 64.)
Either way, you are automatically elevated to douchebag status if your speakers are silver, and your bass is worn well above your waist.*
i'm lookin at you Will Lee
*not applicable to Jon Entwistle