Monday, August 22, 2005


The Guitarmy is the original arsenal of guitars which were immortalized in some newspaper interview referring to Scott's "army of guitars." That language was not nearly efficient enough for us. Since the word guitar just happens to share two letters with the word army, we felt that "Guitarmy" was a much better way to describe the vast numbers of guitars waiting in a tense state of constant readiness to serve, protect, and defend - yes even with their very lives - their commander in chief.

Those were innocent times. Since then, Scott and George's disease has exploded to obscene levels of gear acquisition. It recently became all too clear to us that a Guitarmy alone was not enough to defend the beloved homeland. The logic is simple -- if there can be an army of guitars, then why not a navy or an air force? Well let me tell you something: there is a navy and an air force of guitars, or better put, a Guitavy and a Guitair Force. This obviously left our minds travailing at a feverish rate to somehow come up with a textual mashup of the words guitar and marines. Let me tell you something else: all possibilities for creating such an awesome word have been thoroughly exhausted, and all of them fail to satisfactorily evoke the right blend of 6-string-shredding and elite military forces. Not willing to sacrifice our high standards of retarded humor, we decided to stick with just regular marines instead of some forced guitar/marines hybrid. Someone's got to be there to play all the guitars.


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